For this project I created a series of 10+1* songs, 10+1* videos for the songs, 31 DVDs, and this website to be accessed via QR code cards at 1415’s 2025 Fun-A-Day opening.
This project was meant to help me explore sonic and visual possibilities without the fear of failure that so often holds us creatives back, so I have intentionally left in some rough edges in both the music and visuals as a reminder to myself that nothing can ever be perfect. That being said, this is the first official visual album that I’ve released as a standalone entity. In the weeks prior to this project, I recorded a series of 20-40 minute synth recordings and created one-take psychedelic VJ/feedback loop video art visuals with them (you can see them mixed among other experiments on The Video Sketch Archive), but none of these had the amount of fine-tuning, editing cleanup, and re-recordings as the project you see now.
Special Thanks to Trevor Samora for helping shoot Day 0 (the intro music video with all the text), Aaron Mancha for helping shoot Day 9 (the second-to-last music video), and Estevan Munoz for not only mixing the entire project in a crazed 5 hour fury, but also single-handedly saving Day 3's auditory experience. I seriously couldn't have done this without the three of you helping out!
*If you’re wondering, I recorded 10 songs and videos, then made one more to be used as an introduction to the visual album called Day 0.
Author’s Note: It is January 31, 2025, and I can’t believe I actually made this project, including designing and printing 30 DVDs and like 50 QR Code cards! Thank you for reading to the end of this page. I hope you liked it, and maybe you’ll consider joining in some sort of Jamuary (a concept I only learned about after I started my project, so I changed the spelling a little bit to avoid confusion) or a Fun-A-Day project that involves you contributing to a piece of art of your choosing every day for the month of January.